Please book a time that works for you, and our property managers will reach out to you to provide the exact address of the property before the viewing appointment. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] . Have a great day!

Property Information

Air-conditioned 3-bedroom House with Double Garage & Full Basement @ Orchards

Plum Lane SW Edmonton, Edmonton Metropolitan Areas


Select Date
Select Time

First name *

Last name *

Phone number *

Email * (Please enter a valid email format)

Employment status *

Do you have any pets? *

How many people will be living in the property? *

Roughly what is your credit score? *

What is your monthly household income (before tax)? *

Are you or any occupants of the home a smoker? *

Why would you like to move out of your current residence? *

When are you looking to move in? *

How long would you like to stay? *